Community Health has associated fees that are income based
Category | Low | Medium | High |
Individual | < $39,089 | $39,090 - $86,208 | > $86,208 |
Couple | < $59,802 | $59,803 - $115,245 | > $115,245 |
Family (1 child) | < $66,009 | $66,010 - $118,546 | > $118,546 |
Individual Appointments (CH, HACC, CHSP)
Service | Low | Medium | High |
Allied Health Dietetics, Physio, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Speech Pathology, Exercise Physiology | $11.50/hour | $16.50/hour | $145/hour |
Counselling & Social Work | Nil | Nil | $145/hour |
Paediatric Allied Health Children under 18 years | Nil | $16.50/hour | $145/hour |
Community Nursing | $4.40/visit (capped at $40/month) | $10/visit | $140/hour |
Clinical Nurse Consultant Diabetes Education, Continence Nursing, Wound Consultant | $11.50/hour | $16.50/hour | $145/hour |
NOTE: maximum fee per consultation for low and medium income clients is the fee for 1 hour
Service | Low | Medium | High |
Allied Health | $6 | $6 | $30 |
Nursing | $6 | $6 | $30 |