Palliative Care
Service Description:
Co-ordinated care services are offered for people with a life limiting illness and support for their family at home. Care and support is offered including pain relief and management of other symptoms, and aims to be flexible and sensitive to the wishes and needs of clients and also their families. The service has a counsellor, who co-ordinates volunteers and bereavement services in Bacchus Marsh, Ballan and surrounding areas as well as offering social work services to families using the Palliative Care Service. Trained volunteer support workers are available as required.
Access Hours:
Monday - Friday 8.00 am - 4.30 pm
To find out more about the Palliative care or the after-hours service, please contact Western Health Bacchus Marsh Community Palliative Care Service on (03) 5367 9137.
After-hours specialist palliative care phone support: Monday to Friday 4.30pm to 7.15am the next day, and 24 hours on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Any person with a life limiting illness who wishes to be cared for at home or who requires symptom management.
Clinical Nurse Consultant
5367 9137
5367 4274
Bacchus Marsh Hospital
29 - 35 Grant Street, PO Box 330
Bacchus Marsh 3340
Referral Process:
By self, General Practitioner, Clergy, District Nursing, other health professionals, or by family members or friends with the clients consent.
Cost to client: