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My Aged Care

My Aged Care

Are you 65 years old or over?*

Do you require residential care, allied health or nursing services?

Following the introduction of the Federal Government’s Aged Care Reforms, people aged 65 years and over must now contact My Aged Care to access allied health, nursing, residential care and home supports.

My Aged Care is a centralised access service for older people to help ensure services are streamlined, coordinated and responsive to individual needs.

How will My Aged Care Help me?

The My Aged Care team will discuss your needs and link you into the services you require. The My Aged Care team will:

  • Advise you on the different types of aged care services available;
  • Discuss your eligibility for services;
  • Help you to find services in your area and
  • Create referrals to the services you require.

*Aboriginal and Torres Strait people aged 50 years and over are also eligible for My Aged Care services.

What can you provide me?

We provide a range of allied health, nursing and residential care services to help you achieve your goals and increase your independence.

Allied health and nursing services can be provided in your home or within our centre depending on your needs.

Services available include:

Occupational Therapy

The Occupational Therapist (OT) can help make your day to day activities easier to manage so you can live more independently.

The OT can recommend aids, equipment or home modifications which will help you to live safely and independently in your home.

Speech Pathology

The Speech Pathologist can help you with the management of communication and swallowing problems. This can include the provision of advice, education and setting up assistive communication devices to help build your independence.


Our Podiatrists provide foot care to help improve mobility and prevent foot injuries. Custom orthotics and assistive devices can also be prescribed as needed.


Counsellors work with individuals to provide support and develop strategies to improve client’s mental health and wellbeing. Our staff have specialist expertise in the areas of family violence, grief and loss, family work, youth counselling as well as personal life issues.

Nutrition and Dietetics

The Dietitian can show you how you can still enjoy the food you love in the context of a healthy diet so you can maximise your independence. Our Dietitians can help you to develop the skills to choose and prepare delicious meals to provide the energy for you to get more out of life.

Community Nursing

Our nurses can help you better manage your medical needs so you can function more independently. A specialised continence nursing service is also available to help you gain the freedom to enjoy your day to day activities.


The Physiotherapist can help you to build functional independence so you can increase your participation in day to day activities and get the most out of life.

Exercise Physiology

The Exercise Physiologist can tailor an exercise program that is safe and suited to your individual needs to help you improve your, strength, balance and flexibility. The exercise physiologist can provide individual assessments or group programs depending on your needs.

Diabetes Education

The Diabetes Educator can help you manage your diabetes by providing information on how to manage your medications and monitor your blood glucose levels so you have the energy to get the most out of your day.

Health Coach

The Health Coach can work with you to develop a plan to help you achieve your health care goals and better manage your health condition. The Health Coach can support you to develop solutions to overcome issues preventing you from achieving your best health.

How do I access these services?

To access health and aged care services, please contact:

My Aged Care Contact Centre

Telephone: 1800 200 422

Monday - Friday 8am – 8pm

Saturday 10am- 2pm

The My Aged Care Centre is closed on Public Holidays.


Visit the My Aged Care website at

Have a speech or hearing impairment?

Please call the National Relay Service:

Telephone: 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 200 422.

Need an interpreter?

Please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service.

Telephone: 131 450 and ask for 1800 200 422.

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Western Health Foundation