Family Violence & Child Safety

We as a Health Care facility recognise and respond to family violence.
Family Violence and Child Safety
Evidence tells us that health professionals are often the first people talk to about family violence. We are training our staff in how to best respond to disclosures of Family Violence. Hospitals are well placed to identify family violence before it gets to crisis stage where police and other authorities are involved and can therefore provide a gateway to specialist support services, located either internally or externally through family violence agencies. Family violence is a serious health issue which has profound physical and psychological affects. An early intervention response can prevent serious harm and death to those vulnerable or at risk It is also an efficient way to manage because providing early intervention means less hospital presentations.
Family Violence includes any of the following:
- is physical or sexual abusive
- is emotional or psychological abusive
- is economical abusive
- is threatening or coercive or dominating behaviour
- causes fear
This definition also includes behaviours that cause a child to witness or hear or otherwise be exposed to the effects of family violence. If you think your fall into any of these categories, we can offer you guidance to assist you in contacting the appropriate services.
The position of this Health Service is that family violence in any form is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Vic Police 000
1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732
SAFE STEPS 1800 015 188 Crisis telephone support is available 24/7
Hearing or Speech Impairment:
Offers a range of services to support senior persons experiencing family violence
- TTY/Voice Calls – Dial 133 677
- Internet relay – and ask for Triple Zero (000)
- Captioned relay – and ask for Triple Zero (000)
- SMS relay – text 0423 677 767
- Video relay – login to Skype and contact one of the National Relay Service(NRS)contact names
- Ordinary phone speak & listen - dial 1300 555 727
Victims of Crime 1800 819 817
Social Work Referrals are as follows:
- Maternity Services Social Worker 5367 7644
- Community Palliative Social Worker 9747 9647
- Manager Counselling Team 9474 9347
- Senior Clinician Counselling 9747 9371
- Family Violence Counselling 9747 7609
Local Assistance
Melton: Women's Health West Family Violence Support BH 9689 9588
Moorabool: WRISC Family Violence Support BH 5333 3666
Ballarat: CAFS Child & Family Support Services 5337 3333 offer general counselling services and men's behavioural change programs for residents of Moorabool
The Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria (SACL) 1800 806 292 after-hours secondary consultation and confidential telephone crisis counselling service for victim/survivors of both past and recent sexual assault – State Wide
CASA: For crisis care support following a sexual assault in the last two weeks
- West (Melton patient/clients) 1800 806 292 or BH 9687 5811
- Ballarat CASA (Moorabool patient/clients) 1800 806 292 or BH 5320 3933
Other Supports
Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria (FVPLS) 1800 105 303 provides legal advice, counselling, information, referral and support for ATSI people their spouses and parents/carers
InTouch 1800 755 988 or 9413 6500 (BH) free and confidential advice for women & children from CALD backgrounds. The service has a pool of bi-lingual and bi-cultural workers
Elizabeth Morgan House (EMH) 03 9482 5744 provides crisis and recovery programs
InTouch 1800 755 988 or 9413 6500 (BH) free and confidential advice for women & children from CALD backgrounds. The service has a pool of bi-lingual and bi-cultural workers
Magistrates Courts:
- Melbourne 9628 7777
- Sunshine 9300 6200
- Werribee 9974 9300
Safe Steps 1800 015 188 provide referral to family violence outreach services throughout Victoria 24/7 or email
Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal 1300 018 228
WIRE Women's support Line 1300 134 130 free confidential information and referral service
- The Women's Legal Service Victoria 1800 133 302 provide free and confidential legal information and specialise in issues arising from relationship breakdown and violence against women
- The Federation of Community Legal Centres to find a local community legal centre
- The Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria (SACL) 1800 806 292 after-hours secondary consultation and confidential telephone crisis counselling service for victim/survivors of both past and recent sexual assault – State Wide
Support for Children
Child FIRST provides a central referral point to a range of community based family services and other supports
- Melton: 1300 138 180
- Moorabool: 1300 783 341
Child Mental Health (up to 15 years) - BH 1800 445 511 offered by the Royal Children's Hospital for Melton and Moorabool Children
Gatehouse BH 03 9345 6391 is a department of the Royal Children's Hospital. It is a Centre Against Sexual Assault that provides assessment, treatment and advocacy services for children and young people in its catchment areas. It also provides consultation services for other health professionals
AH 03 9345 5522 ask to speak with a Gatehouse Worker
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 provides free and confidential phone counselling for children and young people between the ages 5 – 25
Mercy Grief BH 03 9364 9838
Melton Young Adults (up to 24 years) - Orygen Youth 1800 888 320 or (BH 03 9483 4556 pager service, ask for youth health triage)
Moorabool Young Adults (up to 24 years) - Ballarat Mental Health Service 1300 661 323
The Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service (VFPMS) 1300 66 1142 is a state-wide service providing assessments for children and young people, under 18 years of age, who might have been abused, neglected or assaulted. VFPMS works collaboratively with health professionals, police and child protection.Forensic Service
The Victorian Child Protection Service is specifically targeted to those children and young people at risk of harm or where families are unable or unwilling to protect them:
- 03 9843 5422 (hospital priority line)
- 131 278 (general out of hours line)
Refer to DHHS website for regional in hours numbers
Support for Elders
Seniors Rights Victoria 1300 368 821 offers a range of advice and services to support people 65+ experiencing family violence
Western Health has agreed to provide secondary consultations and advice to DjHS (as part of the SHRFV project) Elder Abuse Social Worker/ Liaison/ Project Officer: Warren Fuge 0423 842 103
Elder Abuse consultation Email Address:
Support for LGBTQI Community
Drummond Street Service Queerspace 03 9633 6733
Victorian AIDS Council 03 9865 6700
KARA House BH 1800 900 520 lesbian domestic violence outreach service
Transgender Victoria 03 90204642 for information on how to connect with appropriate supports for the trans and gender diverse communities
Switchboard/ QLife 1800 184 527 also offers Webchat 3PM-12AM every day. Switchboard is staffed by volunteer counsellors and peers who can direct callers to the right supports
Support for Men
Men's Referral Service 1300 766 491 offers anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals to help men stop using violent and controlling behaviour, and can refer a man to the closest/preferred Mens Behaviour Change Program
Mensline 1300 78 99 78 support for male victims of violence