Melton Community Services and health hub was completed in September 2018. It was designed to provide Melton communities with increased access to health, well-being and community services.
The hub has brought together services from Western Health, Melbourne Health-Midwest Area Mental Health Service, MacKillop Family Services, cohealth and Odyssey House Victoria.
These organisations can now work together to deliver a broad range of services, such as women’s, children’s and family services, Aboriginal health, chronic disease prevention and early intervention, mental health and alcohol and drug services.
Melton residents can now access high quality community health, mental health and family services – in one place.

cohealth is one of Victoria’s largest not-for-profit community health organisations providing services across 30 sites in Melbourne’s CBD, northern and western suburbs. cohealth strives to improve health and wellbeing for all and lead the way in reducing health inequity in partnership with people and the communities in which they live.
cohealth is a partner agency at the Melton Community Services Hub – providing community mental health programs from this site to assist people living with mental illness in the North Western region of Melbourne.
More information around these and other cohealth programs can be located at the cohealth website:

Child, Youth & Family
Empowering children, young people and families so they can heal from past trauma and develop to their potential.
Some families experience complex issues that lead to unsafe and unstable home environments. Without appropriate supports, these vulnerable families are unable to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their children.
We work with children, young people and families to address these issues and empower them to create safe, nurturing environments where all family members are empowered to reach their full potential.
If general, please note below and website
NWMH including MWAMHS delivers a comprehensive range of specialist, community and hospital-based mental health services for youth, adult and aged people who are experiencing, or are at risk of developing a serious mental illness. Services are delivered through six programs spanning 32 sites across the northern and western suburbs of Melbourne.
Our Adult Community Teams, including MWAMHS in Melton, provide specialist mental health assessment, care and treatment for people across seven community-based locations in northern and western metropolitan Melbourne.
For further information please access the following website: :

Odyssey House Victoria is an Alcohol & other Drug Treatment provider.
In Melton we operate as part of the Nth & West Metro AOD Service
After an assessment, referrals can be made for Counselling, Case management, Detox, Residential Rehabilitation, and a Day program in Werribee.
It all starts with an Intake phone call on 1800 700 514
For more information check our website at Odyssey House Victoria