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Keeping your personal information safe

Your personal information

You personal information tells us about who you are, your name, where you live, your phone number and email address, your birthday and what services you are having or help you need.

We get personal information from you and sometimes from other organisations we work with to support your needs.

We will keep your information private and ask you who we can share information with. You can give consent for other people to give us your information.

You can say yes to us having your personal details or sharing it. You can say no if you do not want us to have your personal information.

We will only share your information if you say yes or if it is required to keep you safe, is authorised to provide you support or because of the law.

Your Electronic Health Record and Privacy

Privacy means things we know about you and what we do with what we know. You have the right to privacy. It is the law. At Western Health we use electronic medical records system (which we shorten to 'EMR'). The EMR gives our staff access to up to date information to provide you with the best care.

Our EMR also means your information secure and private and meets government requirements because:

  • Our EMR is password protected
  • Only approved and trained staff have access to your record as required to do their job.
  • All staff sign a confidentiality agreement to keep any information they see private and safe.

You have the right to access or ask for changes to your own health information via a request to our Freedom of Information Officer.

If you have any questions about privacy of your record or accessing your Western Health health record, please contact Western Health's Freedom of Information Officer by:


You can also seek further information and advice from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Call: 1300 363 992

Am I eligible for the NDIS?

To confirm your eligibility for the NDIS and to receive more information.

call: 1800 800 110

or visit the NDIS website at

I have questions about services at Djerriwarrh Health Services, who can I call?

For more information about how Djerriwarrh Health Services can help you.

call: 9747 7609

Have a speech or hearing impairment?

Please call the National Relay Service:

Telephone: 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 200 422.

Need an interpreter?

Please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service.

Telephone: 131 450 and ask for 1800 200 422

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Western Health Foundation