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Active Living

In line with new direction from the Victorian Government for Integrated Health Promotion (IHP) funded agencies across Victoria, one of the new priority areas for the Health Promotion Team at Western Health is Active Living. We will aim to work across settings to embed active living, with a focus on active travel, in the Melton and Moorabool community.

Being physically active on all or most days is one of the best things we can do to maintain and improve our health. All too often, our busy lifestyles get in the way and stop us from being as active as we should. Other things that may prevent us from being active include lack of suitable opportunities to be involved in sports and exercise, living or working in an environment that isn’t very ‘walking friendly’ or not knowing how to be active in a new set of circumstances such as after an injury or in a new stage of life.

The Health Promotion team will be working with the community to increase opportunities for physical activity over the next 4 years. Some of the work we will be focusing on includes the following:

Walk Safely to School Day

Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) was celebrated on Friday 10th May 2024, where all Primary School children are be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a community event seeking to promote road safety, health, public transport and the environment. The Health Promotion Team at Western Health once again offered schools participating in Walk Safely to School Day our interactive WSTSD Passports. The passports are a great, fun way for children, teachers and families to get involved, be active and be reminded about road safety in the week leading up to Walk Safely to School Day.


If you are interested in receiving WSTSD Passports for your School, please contact

ACHPER partnership

The Health Promotion team have partnered with the Australian Council of Health and Physical Education Resources (ACHPER) to fund a series of professional development opportunities for teachers in local schools.

These sessions focus on integrating more movement in the classroom- not just in the PE lesson or during lunch and recess. There is a large amount of evidence showing the benefits of physical activity for our physical and emotional wellbeing, concentration, sleep and social connection. Children and young people should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day and having ‘brain breaks’ in the classroom not only improves outcomes in class, but also contributes to daily movement and their overall health.

Contact us to discuss ACHPER providing training to your school staff. 

Contact Information

For enquiries call our Health Promotion Team on:

Ph: (03) 9361 9301


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