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Health Promotion

Health Promotion

The Western Health Health Promotion Team works in partnership with people who work, live, learn and play in the City of Melton and the Moorabool Shire to achieve better health and wellbeing.

Through the 2021-25 planning cycle, key priority areas for our team in the Melton and Moorabool communities include Healthy Eating, Active Living, Mental Health, Gender Equity and Tobacco and Vaping. We work across schools, early years settings, sporting clubs and in the broader community through engagements in events and localised projects.

To learn more about the work we are doing please click below under each of the priority areas:

  1. Healthy Eating
  2. Active Living
  3. Mental Health
  4. Tobacco and Vaping

Health Promotion Forum:

The Health Promotion team are proud to facilitate the Melton Health Promotion forum. A day focussed on bringing together local and state-based services to discuss ways that we can utilise collective impact methods to improve the health and wellbeing of the Melton community.

In 2024, the Melton Health Promotion forum took place on May 2nd at Fraser Rise community centre.

To see some of the breakout room presentations and report from the 2024 Melton Health Promotion Forum, please follow this link

To see some of the breakout room presentations and report from the 2023 Melton Health Promotion forum, please follow the link

Contact Information

For enquiries call our Health Promotion Team on:

Ph: (03) 9361 9301


See us in action:

Health Promotion Videos

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