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Healthy Eating

In line with new direction from the Victorian Government for Integrated Health Promotion (IHP) funded agencies across Victoria, one of the new priority areas for the Health Promotion Team at Western Health is Heathy Eating. We will aim to embed healthy eating practices across settings including schools, early years settings and sporting clubs in the Melton and Moorabool community.  

Good nutrition to support healthy bodies and minds is important at all stages of life. The Health Promotion teamwork across many projects to support the community increase their understanding of and access to food that can help maintain a healthy life. Below are some of the projects that we are currently working on.

Latest Webinar: Tackling Fussy Eating 

On June 26th, the Health Promotion team in partnership with the Western Health Dietetics team hosted a ‘Tackling Fussy Eating’ Webinar for local parents. The recording is now available to view covering some of the causes of fussy eating, strategies to address fussy eating, where to seek further support and finishes with questions from the attending parents. We hope the recording is informative and helps families reduce stress around the dining table.

Smiles for Miles

Smiles 4 Miles – Oral Health Promotion Program


Smiles 4 Miles is an initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) and aims to improve the oral health of children and their families in high-risk areas across Victoria. 

Tooth decay is one of Australia’s most common health problems.  Smiles 4 Miles assists Early childhood Services to encourage and promote good oral health habits and healthy eating among children in their care with a focus on three key messages: Drink well, Eat well and Clean well.

Delivered in Early Childhood Services (Kindergartens and Childcare), Smiles 4 Miles is aligned with the National Quality Standards for Early Childhood Development and is based on the World Health Organisation's Health Promoting Schools Framework, an internationally recognised best practice approach.

Smiles 4 Miles offers Early Childhood Services a great opportunity to promote good oral health habits and healthy eating in children using a sound, internationally recognised approach with local support.

The Health Promotion Team at Western Health coordinates the delivery of the Smiles 4 Miles Program across the Melton/Moorabool catchment areas and is keen to hear from Early Childhood Services interested in achieving their Smiles 4 Miles Award.



Collective impact food systems

The Health Promotion team are proud to be involved in the Collective Impact Food Systems group with other local organisations dedicated to improving food security within Melton.

Community garden

If you have an interest in gardening, fresh healthy food and social connection, join us at the Melton South Community Centre (41 Exford Road, Melton South) for the Melton South Community Garden. You’re welcome to pop in any time and tend to the garden/take fresh produce, and if you’d like to get involved in planting or deciding on the produce that we grow and harvest please contact us at to join our mailing list, or drop in on the last Thursday of the month for our working bee.

Vic Kids Eat Well support

The Health Promotion Team are registered to support the delivery of the Vic Kids Eat Well initiative in Melton and Moorabool. If you’re an educator, school staff, sporting club, parent, or just would like to hear how you can get involved in this please contact us at to find out how we can support you.

School Garden Network

The School Garden Network provides an opportunity for local Schools and Kindergartens with (or with an interest in establishing) a garden to share information and knowledge to support successful gardening programs for students and community. We meet once a term at a variety of locations to take part in site visits, workshops and information sharing. There is also a Facebook group where group members can share what they’re up to in their gardens, ask questions and share resources.

Climate Change and Sustainability teaching resource kit

To assist primary school teachers, incorporate food literacy and knowledge of sustainability practices into their classroom a collection of lesson plans and teaching resources has been developed. Read more

Contact Information

For enquiries call our Health Promotion Team on:

Ph: (03) 9361 9301


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