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Mental Health

Repair Café

Do you have any household items that are broken or need mending? Do you want to save money on unnecessary purchases and repair these items for free? Bring them along to the Community Repair Café and speak with one of our amazing volunteer fixers.

Regular workshops take place on the last Saturday of the month from 9am-11am at the Bridge Road Community Centre. You can find out more about upcoming workshops here:

Mental Health Professional Development for educators

The Health Promotion Team at Western Health have been working with David Collins of YOU Psychology to create a free professional development package for staff at local schools. Within the package we have:

·       2 hour session on site in school – this is an introductory package that provides take home tools that you can use when working with students, and presents information on the different mental health disorders and how to manage them

·       Full day session at a central location in Melton (location TBD) on April 26, 2024 – the full day allows us to go into more depth about relevant research, underlying mechanisms, and more tools for teachers (e.g., really being able to go into more detail about the ADHD brain - not just symptoms, but what works and why it may work).

To find out more or get your school involved contact

THE FUTURE IS OURS - A teens guide to life

A brief introduction to a range of topics that have been identified as common areas of interest for teen health and wellbeing, as well as providing links to localised services that are relevant to each topic area.

Topics covered within the book include:

  • Bullying and harassment
  • Mental health
  • Self-care and self respect
  • Body image – body positivity
  • Consent and respectful relationships
  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Family violence
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Homelessness
  • Education
  • Financial literacy
  • Sport and leisure

Click here to download a copy of this resource book

Health Checks

Moorabool Art Project

Contact Information

For enquiries call our Health Promotion Team on:

Ph: (03) 9361 9301


See us in action:
Health Promotion Videos

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Western Health Foundation